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USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus
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Muntenia (Romania : Province)   Cerca


Definition: Romanian province, part of historic Walachia, known as Greater Walachia. As a part of a former Walachian Principality, Multenia has constituted the core of the Romanian state since the unification of two Romanian principalities, Walachia and Moldavia, in 1859. In the interwar era the province was bounded by Bulgaria on the south, by the province of Dobrogea on the southeast, by the province of Moldavia on the northeast, by the province of Transylvania on the north, and by the province of Oltenia on the west. Capital: Bucharest The province consisted of 12 counties: Arges, Braila, Buzau, Dâmbrovita, Ialomita, Ilflov, Muscel, Olt, Prahova, Rîmnicu-Sarat, Teleorman, and Vlasca. (en-US)


Library of Congress: Division of Maps. Handkarte von Rumänien. 1: 1,000.000. Wien: Kartographische Anstalt G. Freytag and Berndt A.G., n.d.

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